Time Plan

Research, Secondary - January 19th

During this time I shall be finding films of the same genre and analysing the differences and similarities between them so I can see what is conventional for the type of film that I am doing.

Storyboard, Equipment - Feb 9th

This time shall be used to actually plan how I initially want the film to pan out; Changes can be made to film’s camera shot later on in the production. A list is going to be made a list of the items that are needed to make the film convincing.

Script, Rehearse, Locations - Feb 23rd

In this period of time the script shall be made and checked over, Actors shall be asked to come and rehearse the scenes until it looks good enough to film and until they have learnt their lines off by heart.
Whilst these things are going on, different locations shall be looked at and the best location shall be chosen.

Film - Mar 4th

In this time the filming shall go on, any changes made to the original storyboard shall be marked down and a record shall be kept proving the original storyboard plan and the edited storyboard plan.

Editing - Mar 11th

Throughout this space of time the film shall be edited and cut down to meet the criteria.

Feedback from audience - Mar 25th

The edited film shall be shown to an exclusive audience and they shall then fill out a form showing what they thought about it.

Evaluation - April 3rd

This is where the whole project shall get reviewed by me and I say what went well during this project and what went bad, I also talk about what could have been done to improve the project’s work.

Film Brief

Main task: Produce the titles and opening scene of a new fiction film to last up to a maximum of two minutes.

For my task I am planning to do the opening scenes to a 'Thriller' film, I shall be shooting in a dark warehouse or somewhere that is very secluded. The location shall be very quiet and dark, there needs to be one entrance and the door will need to be surrounded with bodyguards. I shall need only three characters but I will need a lot of extras to be involved in the scene. I will need my extras to be specific sizes, preferably large.
We have had ideas from films like 'Urban legend' and 'Scream' , this is because we have found out from the research that we had done with our questionnaires that thrillers and horrors are the best kind of film to do for an audience round about our age bracket.
I am working with another person on this project because we figured that we shall get more work done splitting the tasks between us.
Because our film is a horror/thriller we analysed some horrors and thrillers and evaluated them to define where we are going to film, at what time we are going to film and how we are going to make the audience feel when editing. Most horror films have the same type of feeling and that feeling is to make the audience jump as much as possible and make them feel unsafe when they enter the darkness. Thrillers on the other hand have the same effect on the audience but rather than make it obvious who the murderer is and what their prerogative is for the murders thrillers leave the audience guessing so that the can think and think and make the ending the most scariest thing that they could ever imagine.
The reason for us choosing a Thriller film is because we realised that in this day and age Thrillers are much scarier than classic horrors. A horror and thriller is therefore the best combination because the audience can enjoy the blood and gore of a horror and have their spine tingled by the thriller theme.

Equipment List, Location and Props

Camera – In order to film the scenes and upload them onto the p.c
Tripod – So that the camera can be held steady
Fire wire – To upload the scenes onto the computer
DV tape – For the film to be held on
Apple Mac Computer – To upload the scenes to
iMovies Software – To edit the scenes on the computer
Zoom – For clear dialogue during the filming
Props, Characters and Location:
Blade – To be used as the killer’s weapon
Blood Cartridge or Ketchup – to be the blood
Mask – To hide the identity of the killer
Big Jacket with a big hood – So the killer’s identity can be hidden further
Residents in Whitehall (Streets, Roads, Lanes)
Easton Streets
Chelsea Park (Park)
Main Male
– Julian Walcott-Gordon
Main Female – Nikita Williams
Killer – Jahlani Clarence


The questionnaire was given to 4 males and 6 females, between the ages of 19 – 21+, 16 – 18 and 14 – 15.
I found out that the serious actors make more of an impact on audiences but the comedic actors are more favoured
Many people said that they liked Psychological Thrillers over other films because those type of films make them think and come up with their own conclusions which really scares them. Also they enjoy comedies. The most common genres of film were Horrors, Action films and Comedy.
The most common films for people who took the questionaire were Love and Basketball, Kung Fu Hustle, Shaolin Soccer and Dark Knight the beginning of my film may be similar to some of these films.
Most people don’t really go to the cinema that often, they either go to buy the DVD or watch the films on television.
The music really depends on the type on music, a horror film would call for ochestra instuments to create a scary ambience.
Modern day films are probably most effective for the age groups that I am aiming for. Modern day films helps to make the film relate to the audience.

1) This is where the first clip of the opening scene took place

1) This is where the first clip of the opening scene took place

2) The location of the 1st victim’s murder

2) The location of the 1st victim’s murder

4) The second road that the 2nd victim ran down and the same road in which the killer walked down

4) The second road that the 2nd victim ran down and the same road in which the killer walked down

6) This is where the second chase started

6) This is where the second chase started

8) The inside of the 2nd victims house

8) The inside of the 2nd victims house


How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The type of social groups that I believe the product would appeal to are the type of people that enjoy Stephen King films with weird twist and turn in the plot.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

•The media institutions that I would choose to sell my product to are the large blockbuster funding type companies such as ‘Sony BMG’ and ‘Universal’, the type of company that have been involved in film such as ‘Urban Legend’ and ‘Scream’.
•The type of director that I think would be good for this film is probably a director like ‘Stephen King’ who directed ‘I.T the clown’ and ‘The Shining’
•In order to meet the full needs of these institutions the film would need to be shot with better equipment and possibly for the sake of sales an experienced celebrity actor or actress.

How does your product compare with real media texts in this genre?

•I believe that the product is very close to real media texts in regards to the storyline because most blockbuster horrors either release the information gradually throughout the film or just unravel the plot at the end.
•Usually in the opening scene of a horror film the killer is seen murdering someone.

Who would be the audience for your media product realistically?

•My products age certificate would be a 15 because I don’t think that the content of the film would not be suitable for any one younger than that age.
•Realistically the product would appeal more to urban areas because of the actors, the settings and various other things that go on in the film, but I don’t think that these things in the film would completely alienate other types of audiences.

Secondary Research

•Because our film is a horror/thriller we analysed some horrors and thrillers and evaluated them to define where we are going to film, at what time we are going to film and how we are going to make the audience feel when editing. Most horror films have the same type of feeling and that feeling is to make the audience jump as much as possible and make them feel unsafe when they enter the darkness. Thrillers on the other hand have the same effect on the audience but rather than make it obvious who the murderer is and what their prerogative is for the murders thrillers leave the audience guessing so that they can think around the subject making the ending as scary as they imagine.

•We have had ideas from films like ‘Urban legend’ and ‘Scream’ , this is because we have found out from the research that we had done with our questionnaires that thrillers and horrors are the best kind of film to do for an audience roughly around our age bracket.

What have you learnt about new technologies from the process of constructing this product?

•I have learnt that technology isn't always the best option because it can be very unreliable and when there is no technician around can be incredibly stressful.
• I already knew that using the best quality equipment brings out the best quality work but doing this project just re-enforced my thoughts on the subject.
•Because technology doesn’t have a conscience it can let you down at any possible time unfortunately the camera that we used chewed our film, luckily we retrieved it and were able to put it on to the computers.

Looking back at your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

•When I look back at my preliminary task I realised that holding a steady shot shows whether the film is to be taken seriously or not, I have learnt that repeating the same scene from different camera angles can make it much easier for the editor to create a masterpiece.
•Because there was so many shot of the same clips I had the option of choosing the best one and seeing which one fits in and looks smoothest in the film.
•During the preliminary I wasn’t very good at editing and I had to do the basic shots with nothing special so I didn’t have any complications, during this task I decided to try and experiment with my skills by mixing up the storyline, adding effects and putting multiple music tracks over the diegetic sound.

Film Feedback Evaluation

I chose to make people from the age bracket of 15 to 20 analyse my film so that I would get a fair answer stretching across the age group that my film is targeted at.
With the feedback from my film I realised that my editing made a huge difference between whether the audience were interested or not.
What could be changed for a real media institution
Improvements that could have been made are things like the camera being held steadier, this probably had a large affect on the way the film was absorbed because the audience was focused on the camera not being held steady.
Location and Actors should be the only issues in need of improvement if the film were to be produced by a real media institution.
Age rating
Most said that my film would be suitable for 15+ because of its content 15 out of 20 said 15 year olds and 5 out of 20 said 18+.
Thoughts on sound
Overall the the audience of my film thought that the sound was good and they enjoyed it.
Score out of ten
Overall the average score for my film out of ten was 8.
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